
Jul 2024 Net Worth Update

Seems like I’ve gotten lazy to post since the best kind of investing is really lazy investing. A quick update: Added ~S$500k to net worth since 1.5 years ago. In terms of liquid assets (i.e. excludes CPF and HDB), roughly doubled it from S$350k to S$740k (power of compounding plus regular funds injection)! This comprises […]

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Buy Bitcoin in 2021 and Beyond? Should Singaporeans Do That?

Is it the right time to buy Bitcoin? For simplicity, I have always advocated the Bogleheads portfolio as the primary retirement plan you need. For schemes which Singaporeans are ‘forced into’, like CPF LIFE, we should also make the best of it. Where cryptocurrencies are concerned, you would have realised that I did mention owning

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Still Gambling with Meme ‘Stonks’ on the Wall Street Bets Subreddit?

Just a short post with a quick image – it’s not the ‘small guy against the hedge funds’. It’s greed on all sides and a game of musical chairs, as with all pump-and-dump schemes. Your fellow ‘denegerates’, which is what people on the subreddit calls themselves, have dumped their own stonks for personal profit shortly

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Simple Investment Advice From a Non-Financial Adviser in Singapore

A couple of weeks ago, I made a Facebook post which garnered some attention, possibly because it struck a chord with some of my friends, including those with whom I do not usually interact with (received a number of PMs). I reproduce it in it’s full shameless glory below. “In an unusual departure from my

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